
Mesotherapy is a relatively new procedure in the United States; however, it is being practiced by over 50,000 physicians worldwide without major complications. Mesotherapy is a series of micro-injections aimed to deliver a custom made cocktails of vitamins, minerals, aminoacids, and homeopathic compounds into the skin to treat a variety of conditions. Mesotherapy delivers the medicine directly to the target/problem area in the body, bypassing the oral, gastrointestinal, and liver routes. Therefore, the concentration of injected nutrients in the treated area is much greater when compared to oral route. As few as 4 and as many as 10 treatments may be needed depending on the size of the area and the result desired.

Man receiving dermal fillers
Man receiving dermal fillers
Dermal Filler - Woman getting injection

 What is Mesotherapy used for?

Mesotherapy has been widely used in esthetic medicine for cellulite reduction, fat reduction and body sculpting (buttocks, hips, legs, arms, back and bra lines, abdomen, chin, fat pads under the eyes), skin rejuvenation (Meso-Lift or Meso-Glow), pain management, acne and scarring, hair loss (alopecia), and wrinkles.

Short period of itching, burning, or soreness, lasting from a few minutes to as much as 2 days, may occur. Temporary bruising, which usually fades within 1 week, is also common. There is no down time for this procedure so immediate return to regular activities is possible.


  • No Surgery
  • No Downtime
  • Successfully Targets Cellulite
  • Targets and Dissolves Fat
  • Breaks Down Sclerotic Tissue
  • Improves Local Blood Flow
  • Improves Drainage
  • Rejuvenates Skin


Treatment areas: 

$200 per treatment per area